Saturday, September 7, 2024


Cavewoman is a comic book character created by Bud Root, first appearing in 1993. She has appeared in many comic books since and has been drawing not only by Bud Root but also, officially, by Devon Massey, Frank Cho, Art Adams, and Rob Durham.

I think I saw a Cavewoman image long ago in some comic advertisement or perhaps in a catalog. I can't remember. At the time I just thought "oh another bad girl/good girl comic*". And yeah. She was. And that's fine. It just felt like the 90s had a glut of them. I stuck up my nose... meanwhile I was drawing erotic comics and reading Birdland. Go figure.

Here's the thing about Cavewoman: I don't have any idea who this character really is. I have never read an entire Cavewoman comic. Who reads them?? I just love the art. I really, really enjoy the look of this character. What's not to like, right?

My preference is for Bud Root's art of the character, but Massey isn't bad. And of course Cho and Adams are quite well-known. I'm not as familiar with Rob Durham. 

Some Devon Massey Cavewoman art:

*You know... I just realized I skipped the entire 90s comics scene so hard I don't even know the difference between "good girl" and "bad girl" comics. Let's do a quick search and learn...

Huh. So good girl art refers to classic pinup style and sexy comics art. Bad girl art is... also that, but the characters are not supposed to be "good". I guess. Cavewoman is good girl because she's not trying to be voluptuous or evil, while Vampirella is a bad girl because she is voluptuous and evil. Or something like that.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Over on my main blog I posted about Hymla the Horn. She is a character who is right at home on thsis blog, but is too god damn aggressive to be kept down. She wants to be all over the place.

The first Hymla drawing I can find, 2022.