Saturday, January 7, 2023

Daughters of Gea

Here's an oldie. These are 4x6 drawings on bristol with brush pen and markers. I did the drawing, my wife did the colors. These are part of the Pan-Gea project.


Bill Wenzel

Years ago, I picked up this sweet Fantagraphics collection of Bill Wenzel's pinup art. If you like Wenzel and/or this style of art, you should find a copy. It's 200 pages of deliciousness. I dig the use of green as the only real color. I assume most of these were in black and white, originally.

The weird part is that I can see Wenzel-style figures in my own work, here and there. yet I do not have any memory of encountering this artist in my youth or other formative years. I came upon this book in my 40s.