Friday, November 27, 2020

Frodia Baggers

When Frodia Baggers left the Shizire she didn't know she'd be going on a massive adventure.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Dirty Treasures

Over on the main blog I talked about uncovering treasures in my storage totes. Some of the treasures were salty. I'll try to share more as I can but for now here's a little bit of what I found hidden out in yon shed.

First, to revisit my D.B. Velveeda post, I found these.

Brad Foster art kicks ass. I wonder if he's still active? I need to check.

Oh look, I'm in this one. The value plummets!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


I was toying with the idea of a little A5 size zine a few years ago (huh... maybe 8!). This is the only copy of the thing that exists. It looks cool, though. I might revive it sometime. I like making little zines and it's been a long time.

I did this mock-up zine and this is the only copy that exists.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Good Intentions

What's this guy planning?? Is this nymph really what she seems? Is this guy an evil fuck? I dunno.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

D.B. the King Velveeda

I was into the 90s zine scene and through publications like Factsheet5 I discovered Quimby's Queer Store (now just Quimby's, I think). And through that I discovered the wonderful little dirty world of D. B. the King Velveeda.

I have some Velveeda comix somewhere in my stashes. Probably haven't laid eyes on them in 25+ years.

Before I discovered Bodé I discovered Velveeda. I don't know if Velveeda was inspired by Bodé or not, but they both hit the same kind of beat for me. Reckless, carefree, dirty as fuck, and lovely to behold.

When I dig out whatever Velveeda goodies I happen to have I'll scan and post 'em up. Real gems of underground comix, if you ask me.

Now... I'm not sure what's going on with D. B. today. I know that he was sued by Kraft way back in maybe the late 90s because he was using the name Velveeda (maybe VelVeeda) and they didn't want their cheese product sullied by porn. He also had a website on
Geocities called Cheesygraphics. That didn't help his case, I'm sure.

He was pissed. I remember he was posting a lot of anti-Kraft material such images of their cheese product with the label "Krapt". But if you look for that stuff it's hard to find. Kraft is a behemoth and D. B. is an underground comix maker. They likely slaughtered him in court. But I don't know the full story.

If anyone has more info, post a comment. I'm curious. I'm gonna do a little digging myself when I have the energy.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Busty Catgirls FTW

This post is a small set of buxom catgirls. It's a mixed bag of stuff I like and stuff I'm sort of cringing about. But this blog is nothing if not an opportunity to embarrass myself. So have a gander.

I like this one OK. It's soft.

Meh. Not bad, but dunno.